Home / News / The flat pad in the combined screw needs to wear positive

The flat pad in the combined screw needs to wear positive

We all know that in combination screws, if it is three-in-combing screws, it is generally shaped screws, or a hexagonal screw, which is equipped with a bumper pad in a three-component fit for a flat pad. But in the wearing pad, what specific requirements are there! Next, Xiaobian is simple to introduce a particular requirement for the flat pad in the combined screw.

In fact, it is not a specific requirement for the flat pad in the combined screw. It is only necessary to combine the flat pad in the screw to need the front. This is a little bit better. But if the requirements are not very high, it is not necessary to mix the flat pad in the combination screw. Just any front, it can be on the opposite side. But if you can wear positive. Prevent customers from there is another requirement to the flat pad.

Customers may cause the screws to be broken directly due to different reasons. For example, it is excessive. So how much power needs to be used when in the combined screw!

Generally, our customers use screws, their intensity hardness rating is more use of 4.8. When assembling, we asked the customer to do more than 14 kg when screwing the screw. The screw is too large. It will exceed the force of the screws. This is easy to directly lead to bad phenomena such as screw break.